The 2023 High Valley Annual Membership Meeting will be held on WEDNESDAY MARCH 15TH AT 7 PM on ZOOM. You must register to attend. See you there!

Doughnuts: Mini the Doughnut truck will be truck coming to the park on Saturday, April 3rd from 9am to noon! Don’t miss this sweet event!


Spring Into Art Contest: Neighbors who would like to participate can join in some seasonal fun by putting their creative energy into decorating a spring-themed item (for example an Easter egg, a bunny, flowers, etc.). This is similar to what we did last year, but the concept is being expanded to be more inclusive. As you are designing your work of art, please keep in mind that it may rain, so waterproof is a plus. When you’re ready to place your item on display, place it in a visible location so that it can easily be seen when neighbors are driving by. If it’s not feasible to place it in front of your own yard (because it may not get seen as easily), feel free to place it elsewhere, such as by the park or somewhere else where drivers can easily see your fantastic creation. When you place your work of art, be sure to have your lot number and/or last name easily visible. Place items by Saturday, April 3rd 9am. Please pick up items by Tuesday the 6th.


Touring the Neighborhood: Neighbors will have from Saturday, April 3rd at 10am through Sunday, April 4th at 5pm to drive around and check out all the cool creations made by your neighbors. Once each member of your family has chosen their top three choices, email your votes to The top three entries with the most votes will win a prize! Winners will be announced Monday morning the 5th


Please reach out if you have any questions. 


High Valley Social Committee