
We are beginning our covenant ratification process. Here are some basic facts describing HOW TO TAKE ACTION TO SUPPORT OUR HIGH VALLEY HOA.

I. Attached you will find three documents.
a. Letter of introduction.
b. Historical information
c. Ratification Paperwork

Please read the documents. 

II. All homeowners will need to sign either page 3 (Homeowners) or page 4 (for those whose home/property is in a Trust or other entity) in front of a notary.
a. Regarding multiple owners of a property:  Our attorney advises: “We encourage all owners of a particular lot to sign, but if only one signs, we will presume that the signer has the authority to vote for all or a majority of owners of that lot, and the signer is solely responsible for any claim that such authority was lacking. “

b. Regarding those homeowners whose property is in a Trust or other entity – utilize page 4 for signature.

III. Notary availability:
a. HVCSC has arranged for Mindy’s Mobile Notary to be at the home of Pam and Ron Gray, 12523 200th Ave SE on Tuesdays, April 26 and May 3, 10, 17 and 24th from 5 to 7pm for your convenience. There will be a nominal charge of $15 paid by cash, check or paypal (no credit cards) at the time of signing. If you prefer to have Mindy come to your private residence, the cost is $20. She can be reached at 425-243-9147.
b. Check the High calendar for updates and possible other times.

c. You have the option of taking the paperwork to a notary of your choosing. Once complete – mail to Peggy Phillips, 20604 SE 127th St, Issaquah, WA 98027.

IV. Deadline
a. Our deadline for accomplishing this task is 31 May 2022. This will give us enough time prior to the 1 August 2022 trial date to verify the information and avoid a costly trial to establish our covenants.

b. A minimum of 2/3 of lot owners – each from High Valley Ranchettes(HVR) and High Valley(HV) will need to sign-off on the ratification process.

Your assistance in accomplishing this very important task is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me. Peggy Phillips, 425-226-3539.


Download Instruction Sheet

Legal Memorandum re: Covenant History & Ratification Reasons


Download Legal Memorandum

Covenant Ratification Form


Download Covenant Ratification Form



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